유틸리티 메뉴

메인 컨텐츠 영역

2024.12.11 UPDATE

The beginning of a new breathtaking battle

Season 2   2024.12.11 ~ 2025.02.05


  • New Power Badge exchange!

    The Power Badge Mall has all the necessary items for
    the Season Server.

    The Power Badge can be purchased from our Item Mall.

  • New Season restarts every 8 weeks!

    Embark on a new epic journey every 8 weeks as the season
    resets, kicking off a fresh chapter of new adventures!

  • Give you back the amount you purchased!

    Receive the quantity you bought when restarting, and
    the Power Badges you purchased will be refunded when the
    Season Server resets.

  • A leap forward for next season!

    Unveil your destiny with exclusive titles available
    only on the Season Server!

When you purchase a Power Badge‘PB’, you will receive it back for the next five seasons. Ex: Purchase 100 ‘PB’ for Season 1 -> Receive 100 ‘PB’ for Seasons 2 to 6.

When additional supply is made, the 'Badge Fragment' will be given to the Mall Inventory. Use it by exchanging it for a Power Badge through an NPC.